Explainer Video Production Time: How much time does it take to create a video?

Explainer Video Production Time

When talking about the creation of videos in generation, people underestimate the time that is needed to ensure that a great piece is made. As video gurus, we do not settle on something that we feel will just ‘do the job.’ It has to be perfect and it has to suit the needs and creativity of the business. In order to do that, our team is made up of 25 professionals, who specialize in different areas of video production, come together to create the absolute best for you.

Explainer Video Production Time

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Since our inception, we have created countless videos for thousands of successful businesses. We even watched some grow from infants to corporate giants. With the recognition of the fact that every business is unique in their own way, their videos have to serve their identity. This is why we offer different styles of video production; each with their own pricing and creation time. Each style aims to satisfy your specific brand identity, production style, reputation and aims to keep in mind the direction in which you want to take your business.

  • Whiteboard Animation (1-2 weeks)

Especially required for videos that are informational and educational; this style of explainer video uses a whiteboard background as live animations are being made as the viewers watch. It is an interactive way to create a video. Depending on degree of detail required by the business, it usually takes the least amount of time to be created.

More whiteboard videos

  • Motion Graphics (2-3 weeks)

Motion graphics is a style of video that combines a series of animations to create or narrate the story of a brand. This could be especially used as for an introduction or promotional video. Our graphic designers can make it as creative or simple as the business requires.

More Motion Graphic Videos

  • 2D Animation (2-3 weeks)

This style involves the manipulation of images to make them appear to be moving in a video. This is a brilliant way to tell the unique story of a business and its objectives as well as its inspirations. It is one of the most common types of explainer videos that are made and for good reason. They are easy to follow and are fun to watch. This makes it highly susceptible that viewers will watch the entire video and actually gain more information about your business by doing so.

More 2D Videos

  • 3D Animations (10-12 weeks)

The toughest style of an explainer video is one that requires 3D animation. It requires for the creation of characters of objects in a 3 dimensional space. They are most often used by tech and software companies as they add oomph to the visuals that are created.  Sense of realness is induced that serves to be a unique selling point of a specific business. As the toughest form, it takes a huge team and a lot of time for a 3 minute long 3D explainer video to be created.

More 3d Videos

The number of weeks listen above for each category are based on an average of the total time taken. Production may vary depending on what the client is like. If there is good communication then they things tend to progress faster. If the client remains unsatisfied with what they have been given then they call for multiple rounds of correction that can extend the time for the production of the video heavily.




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